again. I'm not a shoperholic but when there is warehouse sales in town, how can I resist and favourite brand...MUST GO. Yay! KANEBO Warehouse Sales again, starting from Mar 5-7th, @ Sutra Puri Beauty Salon, Damansara Uptown.This was the third time I went to their warehouse sales, not crowded, you will have more space to look around.
Kanebo Blachir
Coffret D'or (limited quantity) and a lots more, I can't remember all of it
If you are familiar with KANEBO, you might know that their sub-brand as well, KATE cosmetic. If your are reading those Japan magazine, KATE was one of the popular cosmetic brand at Japan and Taiwan. I'm a fan of their Deep Eye eyeshadow collection. The product worth every penny you spend.
What I got:
Repleshiment for my skin care KANEBO Blanchir. I have stocked up daily use lotion, moisturizer and whitening essence from their previous sales, so this time I would like to try their facial soad (RM45).
Cosemtic - 2 x KATE Gradical Eyes eyeshadow (RM20 each) , KATE liquid foundation (RM 25), Coffret D'or 3D Lighting Eyes eyeshadow (RM60) and T'estimo lipstick (RM25).
shanghaiesedumpling 30p · 766 weeks ago
Thang 103p · 207 weeks ago
prakriya hospital · 175 weeks ago
prakriya 13p · 175 weeks ago