I am so glad I come this far. My journey start when it comes to the end later tonight.
Joey Tan will start her new journey in few hours and my test will come very soon.
It's my big day today!!! Heading to church soon.
I will be a new person once I come out from here.
We all waiting for tonight!!!

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I am looking for white dress for two special occasions. I suppose to look for it last since February but I have been busy not only work...work is not my whole life. I have a lot better thing to care about, like these two special occasion which gonna happen in two weeks time.
My man has been helping me to look for the white dress in Singapore and he sent me a few that he think nice….
Two important occasion gonna happen soon are our marriage bless and my baptism.
Looking for accessories for your apparels?
If you're looking for authentic hand made korean bling blings... then look no further and ask me about my product catalogue!!!
Email me @ joey[dot]gossips[at]yahoo[dot]com