But I am still around...will be back soon!
Friday, December 30, 2011
Thursday, August 18, 2011
This is just a question in my mind now.
What is ISA?
I am trying to understand this Act.
Few years ago, year 2003 Hong Kong goverment try to apply a similiar ACT - Article 23 but it has been stop by Hong Kong citizen....
I am trying to google (not research ahhhh...LOL) about Hong Kong Article 23 and ISA.
What is ISA?
I am trying to understand this Act.
Few years ago, year 2003 Hong Kong goverment try to apply a similiar ACT - Article 23 but it has been stop by Hong Kong citizen....
I am trying to google (not research ahhhh...LOL) about Hong Kong Article 23 and ISA.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Last week, I went to bookstore to get some books for myself and Lil Jo.
Children education for myself.
Children EQ related reading…I do not want Lil Jo end up like me….
Work book for Lil Jo. He’s going learn Mandarin start from now so he can communicate with my dad.
I am learning my English grammar again…start from basic. I have no shame of doing so…learning is the best way.
You should feel shame when you doing Devil’s work and you should not let shame stop you to LEARN or PICKING some knowledge.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Singapore Again
Pack up makeup and toiletries for the trip
These are the item for this trip. Try out a new product from L’oreal as well.
First, it is easy to wash and dry fast and secondly, the word “see through”…it is extremely easy for me to dig out stuff I needed when I can see where is it in the bag.
Cloth for my lil man done, I will be packing my cloth tomorrow morning.
Most importantly, I will see my man tomorrow evening.
These are the item for this trip. Try out a new product from L’oreal as well.
and Found out this see through storage bag is extremely good.
First, it is easy to wash and dry fast and secondly, the word “see through”…it is extremely easy for me to dig out stuff I needed when I can see where is it in the bag.
Cloth for my lil man done, I will be packing my cloth tomorrow morning.
Most importantly, I will see my man tomorrow evening.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
You Can Make A Difference
It’s about something I heard it from the Alpha Course organized by one of our parish ministry.
Tonight topic is actually about spread the Good News to others. I will not touch much about religion part but this one point is very true and it’s something we (most of us) have been ignoring or we not aware about.
There is story I heard from the DVD talk by Nicky Gumbel, a story about a boy who was throwing starfish on the shore into the sea.
“Thousands have been washed up on the beach and with the tide going out they are all stranded on the beach. A man sees the boy and tells him that he isn’t making any difference by throwing one starfish in the sea at a time as there are so many. The little boy picks up another starfish, takes it down to the sea and puts it into the water and says “it makes a difference to that one.”
[The above paragraph took from this website: http://jubileechurchwirral.wordpress.com/2010/12/03/making-a-difference/]
Most of us will think that we can’t make much difference when we doing something right, hence most of the time we choose to no doing anything to help/contribute.
Let say, there is a piece of waste in the middle of the corridor, most of us will leave it there or pretend of not seeing it and walk away because your thought might be this :
“It’s just tiny piece of waste, it won’t be a huge difference to the environment if I pick it up.”
But if you do pick it up, you make a good example to your children and to others. Others do not do it, but if you do your part, it’s make a difference.
Think about it…try to put it in your daily life.
Have you done your part as an employer? Did you give a full day’s work in return for your full day’s pay? Have you done something for your society? Just some examples :)
Do not afraid you doing something right. Right as in not something for your own benefit.
Tonight topic is actually about spread the Good News to others. I will not touch much about religion part but this one point is very true and it’s something we (most of us) have been ignoring or we not aware about.
There is story I heard from the DVD talk by Nicky Gumbel, a story about a boy who was throwing starfish on the shore into the sea.
“Thousands have been washed up on the beach and with the tide going out they are all stranded on the beach. A man sees the boy and tells him that he isn’t making any difference by throwing one starfish in the sea at a time as there are so many. The little boy picks up another starfish, takes it down to the sea and puts it into the water and says “it makes a difference to that one.”
[The above paragraph took from this website: http://jubileechurchwirral.wordpress.com/2010/12/03/making-a-difference/]
Most of us will think that we can’t make much difference when we doing something right, hence most of the time we choose to no doing anything to help/contribute.
Let say, there is a piece of waste in the middle of the corridor, most of us will leave it there or pretend of not seeing it and walk away because your thought might be this :
“It’s just tiny piece of waste, it won’t be a huge difference to the environment if I pick it up.”
But if you do pick it up, you make a good example to your children and to others. Others do not do it, but if you do your part, it’s make a difference.
Think about it…try to put it in your daily life.
Have you done your part as an employer? Did you give a full day’s work in return for your full day’s pay? Have you done something for your society? Just some examples :)
Do not afraid you doing something right. Right as in not something for your own benefit.
Monday, July 18, 2011
This is me these days
It has been long long time.....things remain unchange include me...
ecxept that I am looking for job, a job in the office or put it this way...a job which allow me to have extra :)
Going out to trim my hair then going to church.
ecxept that I am looking for job, a job in the office or put it this way...a job which allow me to have extra :)
Going out to trim my hair then going to church.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Let’s Talk About My Church Wedding
Took at Sacred Heart Parish Center
It is my marriage rite, which I need to get it done before my baptism during Easter (last April).
A friend of my man came over to help us take some photo for the simple ceremony during our Rite of Marriage.
I was too nervous and was crying that time and our witness has to remind me to say "Amen" and I put the ring on the wrong finger (for my man).
He is watching!
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Wanna Be Silent
I want to be silent. Do not feel want to talk. Less talking less mistake. Less bullshit talk, less of time wasting. Less talking, less misunderstanding.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Monday, June 13, 2011
Neophytes Night 2011 @ Sacred Heart Catheral
Getting the passport to heaven last night from the Archbishop….and when he said my name I was stunt because it written wrongly on my certification. Aiyaya…typo bah.
It has been long long time i have not cam-ho. I have no idea how to pose now.
RCIA recruiting for young people…it's not easy to embark faith into a person. Lots of preparation for this calling from Him.
O Lord, you have prepared me the path, you have given me friends to this together and everything needed, let Thy will be done.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Phew….long long long time, I have been away from blog-sphere.
Got to share with all of you my must have item in my makeup purse – MASCARA!
This time, power mascara from
It is a vibrating mascara similar with Lancome Oscillation power mascara, it is still my favourite till today but the price tag might not be all time favourite so Maybelline has come out something similar with a affordable price tag.
With Maybelline PULSE PERFECTION WATERPROOF VIBRATING MASCARA, I am able to achieve the long and curly lashes. The only issue I have with it is slightly smudging at the end of the day.
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Night Out! FACE2FACE @ Ice Bar OneBorneo
Yes….it has been long long time.
Thanks for the VIP invitation to face2face Kota Kinabalu this coming Saturday at Ice Bar One Borneo. Who's going to….? Tell me cuz I am looking for partner.
Do I have anything to wear….I think there a pair of new high heels still in the box…
Saturday, April 23, 2011
My Journey Begins After It Ends
I am so glad I come this far. My journey start when it comes to the end later tonight.
Joey Tan will start her new journey in few hours and my test will come very soon.
It's my big day today!!! Heading to church soon.

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Joey Tan will start her new journey in few hours and my test will come very soon.
It's my big day today!!! Heading to church soon.
I will be a new person once I come out from here.

We all waiting for tonight!!!

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Monday, April 4, 2011
Looking for White Dress
I am looking for white dress for two special occasions. I suppose to look for it last since February but I have been busy not only work...work is not my whole life. I have a lot better thing to care about, like these two special occasion which gonna happen in two weeks time.
My man has been helping me to look for the white dress in Singapore and he sent me a few that he think nice….
Two important occasion gonna happen soon are our marriage bless and my baptism.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Blog post is not as frequent as last year. WHY?
Main reason, my man is not with me now and I have to run everything on my own. This does not mean that I don't wanna write anything at all.
Before my man left to Singapore for his career, I have plenty of time at night as he will spend time with our lil monster. Well thing has changed now. Now, night time (which use to be part of my blogging time) will be my lil monster time. Plus, mst of the time I will fall asleep while I put lil monster to bed. Usually, I will sleep till the next morning.
Lil monster have to be wake up in the early morning to go to school and this mean I have to wake up earlier than him to prepare his breakfast and food to bring to school. Then I need to rush to my room and wake him up and let him finish his breakfast, then bath him then bath myself. Then send him to school. I have to do all these on my own. When my man still around, he can help me to bath lil monster while I prep myself to work.
After send him to school, I will go t to work then rushing to school in the late morning to send him back home. Phew…..distances from home to school are 5 minutes away and school to work place is 5 minutes as well. After I send him home, I will go back to work. Tiring…..sometime I do hope my FIL can help me to pick lil monster from school but unfortunately he is not around most of the time.
Once finish work, I will back to home if I can still breath, mean if I need not to take a break like happy hour time. Believe me, you will need some time out for yourself if you in my situation. Well, id I do need the "time out" I will most probably get my colleague out for a drink, usually coffee or dinner….yeap no more beer!!!
Clubbing….very hard to do it now. There are friends asked me out for that but when I think of lil monster, I would prefer to stay at home. My man is not around, so I will be the one who need to accompany him.
Now, you know why I have been MIA recently!
In case you wondering, I might be MIA for another 2 weeks as I am busy with the company inventory system!!! Now, I am an IT admin….woooi seh!
No matter how, I will still blog.
I need a hair cut!!! My hair is so so so out of shape now! Not to mention about my hair color….I definitely need to get it done before my marriage bless! :D
Before that, this is me recently! Do I gain weight? Older? Or anything….tell me.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Up, up and Up! I want curly lashes with Maybelline Magnum Volum’ Express Super Film
Yes, I like to have curly and volume lashes. There are hundred (or maybe thousand) of mascara out there which can achieve curly and volume lashes but you might need to have good eye makeup remover to remove and you need to spend some time to remove those mascara. Ouch…..that has to be done before you go to bed!
My favourite mascara lately is those can remove with warm water! Hah…you have to try this kind of mascara because to remove it is super easy!
And Maybelline Magnum Volum' Express Super Film was my latest mascara recently with this warm water removing method.
Just look at it! Curly lashes!
From the side…My eyelashes POINTING UP! Up, up and up!
Super easy to remove and I don't worry about the mascara stain which will look like dark eye circle…
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Finally it's here in my hand!!!
Yes, I don't think you dunno what it is. I wanna tell you that I am so excited!!!
I got a pink cloth for it!!! I wanna get a shocking pink but a the this sweet candy pink. My colleagues conversation about it this afternoon.
Colleague A: " Joey, I want to eat oooo...!"
Me: " Eat la!" (I did not know she was talking about my candy pink cover)
Colleague B: " She talked about the cover la"
Me: " OOOO....eat la if you want"
Colleague B: " A, you eat ehhh, I want to see how you eat...It's gonna be fun to see."
End up everyone laughing.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Story Behind A Perfume
When I was cleaning up my dressing table this morning, I found out that every single bottle of the perfume I bought, there is a story for each of them. So i decided to write this post, just to tell you "Once upon of time,....." mean STORY but I won't start with that sentences.
ESCADA Pacific Paradise.
Look at the colorful bottle, suit the name well, pacific feel!
Fruitty scent. I bid this bottle of perfume from Pan Global auction site back to year 2005. I prayed very hard that there are no one elese interested in this perfume so I don't need to pay so much for it.
Giorgio Beverly Hills
I bought his back to my high school time. My first boyfriend sister gave me a miniature size of this perfume, I like it very much because it has this mature lady scent. Yes, I can't wait to get older during high school time, hence I bought it.
Esprit For My Peace
Floral and musky scent aka teenage feel.
I bought these when I working in the metropolitan, Kuala Lumpur. I graduated from high school and got a part time job in KL while waiting for my STPM result. Bought this as my X'mas gift for myself with my own earning.
Escada Magnetic Beat
Vanilla scent. Woo...this was my favorite back to uni time. I party really hard during the first and second year of my uni life and this is the scent I like the most for the night out.
Bought it from SASA, I am so regret that I did not get the 50ml size becuase I am so in love with it.
Lancome Miracle
Bought this becuase my best friend have one of this and I like it too so...damage done lo. This best friend of mine just gave birth to a cute baby gurl. Lil Jo, will have friend to play along when I go back to my hometown (Kuala Terengganu) next time.
Kenzo Amour
This is my wedding gift given by my brother in law. Strong musky scent, well Kenzo always playing with the simple design but why I don't get the red color one. This perfune have 3 different color. WHITE which i have in the photo and there are RED and ORANGE.
I like it ever since I cut my hair to a really short style suit me when I am wearing boyish outfit
Escada Incredible Me
Sexay scent same for the bottle design. Bought this after I changed to my second job. I like to use it during night out. Especially, when dining with my man.
Anna Sui Live Your Dream
A gift from my BIL's girlfriend. I almost bought this bottle a week before she gave me this. I had this for about a year time and I can tell I like it very much...it left so little.
Lancome Miracle Forever
I bought this when I going out for shopping with my man for the first time. You were wrong if you think this was a gift from him becuase I pay for it. I bought something from Bobbi Brown as well when I bought this perfume.
Ralph Lauren Ralph Hot
I got this because I like the very first RALPH, the blue bottle one.
Givenchy Tartine et Chocolat Ptisenbon Ma Belle
I bought when I at the airport with my sister. We check-in and walk around the perfume session. I bought this becuase it was cute! How would I describe the scent....adorable baby girl smell. :)
We almost late for the flight and the weathere not so good because I experienced air turbulance for the firtst time. Not a strong one..thank God!
Dolce & Gabbana L'eau The One
I bought this from a warehouse sale. It was sitting in the box till mid of last year...OMG! I like the scent.
People will notice you if you wearing this perfume. The scent was too strong but it enough if you want some attention.
Britney Spears Circus
I asked my man to get anything from Briney Spears perfume becuase I like the bottle with the rhinestone. I actually hoping him to get me a pink/velvet bottle one. He finally got me this becuase he like the scent. It was so surprise becuase this was the first time I get a perfume which I never smell the scent before.
This is a sugary scnet perfume!!!
CK Euphoria
I bought this when I had lunch with a very close colleague somewhere around Old Klang Road. We ended up going to Parkson to get perfume for ourself. That colleague of mine was a guy. We alway go for cigi break. I am social smoker and not addicted to it.
Flora by Gucci
The most recent perfume I bought last year September. This definitely a suitable scent for a date. Guys will love it. One of my guy friend asked about the perfume I wearing when we having a drink in the bar. Then, my friend boyfriend asked about the perfume too.
So now, Valentine's Day is around the corner, go get a perfume for yourself, it don't have to be a gift from your partner. :)
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