Hubby I love you so much! He brought me this when he back from Singapore after his chemotherapy on the Monday and I did not know that until yesterday morning.
Yay! Another perfume added to my collection - Britney Spears Circus Fantasy.

The story is I asked him to get me a Jap magazine from Kinokuniya, then he said he rather buy me something so asked me what else I need, I said nothing, nothing I need at the moment. Until the next day, he still asked me what I want when he at the airport, then I said: "Britney Spears perfume – Fantasy, the pink color bottle with crystal/rhinestone on the bottle." I saw this perfume on the net when he asked me.
He told me alright he will look for it. My thought, he's not going to have time to look for it because he going to boarding soon. Never mind, I just answer his question since he kept buzzing me in the MSN and text. It's actually OK if he can't get anything for me because he has been travelling for his chemotherapy for the past few weeks.
When he is back, he brings nothing because he said he was running out of time and not able to look for the perfume. He said he saw Chanel No. 5 but when he look at the price, his reaction: "So expensive!!!". Yea, Chanel No. 5 is really expensive, I know that and that's why I never ask him for that better he get me a Chanel bag. Alright, end of the story.
Until the morning of X'mas, he woke up right after I woke up. I felt a lil weird because usually he will not get his ass from the bed at least one hour after I wake up. Maybe it was X'mas.
Then the following conversation:
Hubby: "Pat (my BIL), wake up already?"
Me: "Not yet, why?"
Hubby: "Nothing"
Then I went to kitchen to take his medicine then sent it to him
He said: "BB….." (with something on his hand)
Yea, he didn't even wrap it and the package still in the airport duty free seal. I guess he don't have the chance to do it at home.

Britney welcome you to her world!

I was so surprise because he brought me the perfume I looking for. OK, although it was not exactly the pink bottle one but it's the latest perfume from Britney Spears perfume.

Hubby, you give me surprises. The first time he did was changing my phone to a new phone by borrowed my old PDA said he need to use it for a client demonstration. Then bring me a new phone when I back to home.
Hubby, I love you!
Any sweetest things happen to you? Share your story with me (us).